
  • 霸气说说
  • 2025年01月04日
  • 义乌网:自强女人的智慧,独立女性的力量 在物品世界里,我们要像女人一样,不依赖他人。老爸教导我们,要有自己的事业和生活,不要寄望于男人。我幸运地遇到了一位大壮,也感激老爸一直以来的关注。 女人花的是自己努力赚来的钱,这不仅是财富,更是一种自信和独立的精神。她们经历了输、败、哭,但从未放弃过。这种生活方式让她们感到快乐!她们不求全责备,也不为金钱折腰。个性独立、思想独立、经济独立,情感也如此











9 我一直认为,一个优秀的女性应该自立、自强、自尊和自爱,她 shouldn't 依赖别人,也 shouldn't 贪图享受,要提升自身修养,要有一技之长,无论离什么都不会怕,有爱心——

10 也许别人才给了你安慰和劝告,无论多么委屈或难受,都记住,最终治愈自己的是自己。你是一个独一无二的人,你只需相信自己,不应指望男人包养你。如果这样,你将永远抬不起头来。我想要成为那种能够照顾好自己的人。

11 woman should learn to stand on their own feet, with money comes independence and the freedom to choose what you want without losing your principles or forgetting where you came from.

12 woman must be independent in spirit, thought, life and finances; have self-respect and the power of self-determination; they don’t need men for validation.

13 woman may not necessarily become a strong-willed person but she must be economically independent, intellectually independent, socially independent and spiritually independent; she needs to have control over her own life choices.

14 my mother told me that living is hard work; my father told me that one must have backbone; my brother advised me to stand by friends when needed; my man reminded me that women should love themselves first —— this is what I learned about being an independently strong woman.

15 days are lived for our own eyes only - women should love themselves more than anyone else because if you don’t love yourself how can you expect others to? You cry tears of sorrow for someone else's happiness while he just laughs at you - a mere accessory in his life.

16 women must be independent of men and society - I really don’t understand why people who love each other need to fight for survival instead of working together? If we cooperate it becomes dependency which leads to one person getting lost in the other?

17 so women should strive for independence until everything they desire belongs solely to them.

18 it seems we view things differently based on perspective - male vs female thinking! Today I had a disagreement with him over gifts during the Dragon Boat Festival... hurtful!

19 no matter how comfortable life gets or how secure your position feels, there's always a sense of crisis looming ahead waiting for us all... maybe someday if I lose everything (money house car) what will I do?

20 once upon a time my mom used say "when you're 18 years old there’s no place left here" ... today she tells me "if we move keep one room open”... “you'll come back home eventually”

21 hearing some people talk about work being too tiring saying they'd rather not go anymore… then their boyfriends would tell them “don't go if it’s tiring” “I’ll take care of you”...

22 i feel like i'm wasting away trying so hard but still falling behind everyone else’s expectations…

23 every day is lived under scrutiny- as long as there are those who look down on us we cannot rest easy

24 won’t even try talking about relationships anymore turned into pessimist- never going anywhere- suspecting everyone around me hate myself now

25 finally understanding that true strength lies within oneself not others
