


2."在我怀里,你是不是什么都不会害怕了?" "害怕,但你要松开我。"








10."你的毒舌又怎么样?" "碍着你的事了啊,有本事来咬吧!"

11"Don't look at me with the eyes of a stray dog, I'm not that desperate yet."


13"If you like me, you're mine; if you don't like me, you're still mine."


15"If you force me to use my influence in Beijing, I won't hesitate to stir up a storm."

16"Young people mustn't be afraid to take risks; only then can they grow old and have someone to rely on."

17."If someone bites me once, I won't bite them back; but after they bite me, I might just let them suffer the same fate as their victim before letting them go free again."

18"Don't wait for my tears before understanding my sorrow; don't wait for me to disappear before realizing your own existence within our relationship."

19"Do not cry out when I am hurt or beg when I leave – it's too late by then for either of us to change our minds or make things right between us."

20"To those who speak ill of others behind their backs: remember that I am not your mother and do not possess the stories worth sharing with such individuals who seek attention through gossiping about others' lives without any care or regard for their feelings involved in these tales spread far and wide across town streets full of ears eager listening intently every single day waiting eagerly anticipating news juicy enough so please keep quiet now please keep silent forevermore silence is golden silence speaks louder than words ever could say anything more important than this one simple phrase whispered softly under breaths shared among friends confidants whispers spreading secrets untold stories hidden truths unknown dreams unspoken desires hidden fears forgotten memories long lost love letters written years ago read over cups coffee sipped slowly while sitting alone staring blankly into space wondering what will become next tomorrow another day another chance another story unfolds itself slowly revealing its truth as time passes by quietly slipping away from view leaving nothing left behind except memories fading fast disappearing into thin air never seen again never heard from again gone without a trace vanished into oblivion disappeared completely erased utterly destroyed utterly annihilated absolutely nothing remains anymore no more no less zero point null void non-existent nonexistent nonexistent nonexistent none none none none none all gone all gone all gone all gone absolutely nothing remains anymore no more no less zero point null void non-existent nonexistent nonexistent nonexistent none none none
