1.你要让我下不了台,我就让你连上台的机会都没有。 2.我看准你时,你就是玻璃杯;我放手时,你就是玻璃渣。 3.我吃我的零食,我长我的肉,关你什么事,你是嫉妒,还是羡慕。 4.人不犯我、我不犯人、人若犯我、礼让三分、一犯再犯、斩草除根。 5.我没你能混,没你好看,但至少我人比你干净。 6.你有多长的头发卷多大的弯,有多大的能耐办多大的事。 7.分手后的他好太沉重,在某种程度上同等于生疏。 8.小荷才露尖尖角,将来长成大馒头! 9.head像最好不要用自己的照片,那样他下线了多不吉利。
10.my只有一场青春,我不想辜负任何人,你真my就真。我只是一场风景,不必留恋,也不会忘记。你说对吗?11.is my,you better not touch it.Not is my,you also give it back to me where you found it.
12.if you want to use your scores to measure the depth of my feelings for you, then please give me full marks.I will never let go of what belongs to me, even if I have to fight for it with all my might.
13.it's not love at first sight, but rather a face that catches one's attention.The moment I saw him, I knew he was special - his eyes sparkled like diamonds under the sun.
14.i am a homebody because i am too cute and charming; otherwise, i would be unable to bear being seen in public for too long.Don't tell anyone about this secret; keep it safe from prying eyes.
15.don't argue with me; i can scare you silly!16.when are you getting married?I'm waiting for the day when I can become a grandfather!
17.if you like something eight-tenths of the way, then reserve two-tenths for self-respect.I love you deeply, but i also need love for myself.Love yourself before loving others!
18.give me some real affection instead of cheap emotions!19.not smoking won't kill you,but living without cigarettes will be much harder than death itself.
20.i hold a knife in hand but cannot embraceyou.I put down the knife but cannot protectyou.Say goodbye now or forever hold your peace!
21.treatme as human beings when possible.Avoid hurting or mistreating us unnecessarily.Better yet - don't treat us as animals just because we're different from humans!
22.your laughter echoes through time and space,a melody that lingers on after everything fades away.Your voice is music,i find solace in its rhythm and harmony
23.do not worry about how much longeri'll live;i know exactly how many breaths remain before mine ends.My life is short-lived compared to yours,breath by precious breath
24.the memories we shared are etched into our hearts forever,memories that linger long after our bodies fade away.A smile from him brings warmth into her heart,a glance from him melts her soul
25.don't shed tears overmy grave;the road ahead beckons,i must continue walking alone.Your tears fall upon my tombstone,silently whispering words of regret and longing
26.your laughter is musicto ears so sweetand gentlethat only those who truly carecan hear its symphonyYour voice carries withinitthe powerof healingfor broken souls
27.time has changedyour appearancebutnotyour essence,yetinherentlywithinmeis an unspoken promise:what once was shall always remain true
28.everything passeswithtime,every wound heals,yetmemories persistas scars on both bodyand soulOur past shapeswho we are todayand tomorrow holdsnew possibilities