1.当自律成为内在的驱动力,你将体会其带来的快乐。2.人生最艰难的考验:既要有耐心等待时机成熟,也要勇于接受可能一无所获的期待。3.我们如何度过每一天,决定了我们如何度过整个生命,认真致力于现在最重要的事上。4.没有人能回到过去重启,但任何人都可以从现在开始,为自己书写一个全新的结局。5.别让自己变得太疲惫,如果你真的愿意努力,你的人生,即使最糟糕,也不过是迟早大器晚成罢了。6.安全感不是他人赋予,而取决于你对自己的爱护、吃饱穿暖、手机充电、钱包永远不扁。7.当有一天,我们内心的声音呼唤我们去做什么的时候,请不要辜负它的召唤。8.if you can't find a reason to keep going, find a reason to start over; life is as simple as that。
9.Growth is about making peace with the world.Accept your own imperfections and others'.10.your time is limited, don't waste it on repeating someone else's life.Don't let others' opinions drown out your inner voice.
11.Be independent, brave, strong, warm-hearted and diligent—this is what a girl should strive to be.Your actions may not yield immediate results but don't lose heart or become anxious; you are growing roots.
12.All efforts are not for others' approval but for your own self-respect.You cannot be an orange squeezed dry only to be discarded like trash—you must be an evergreen tree that blooms in spring and harvests in autumn year after year.
13.some things are best left alone; look at them philosophically without dwelling on them too much.The broader-minded you are, the better gift you give yourself.
14.Life's best therapy is work.Once busy enough,you'll forget all negative emotions and grow tired of complaining from exhaustion.