

1.愿有岁月可回首,共度白头之日。2.我多想拥抱你,但时光流转,人潮汹涌。3.初次的问候和最后的告别,是最难启齿的话语。4.我见过最蓝的天,那是与你的初遇。那一刻,我心中只有你。5.愿能与你同行,无论风雨,只愿你陪伴我至老。6.或许我们不合适,因为喜欢的是不同的事物。我爱自由,而不是醉酒的清风。你呢?7.我的等待将永远没有回应,即便是那一瞬间凝视,也只是空留在记忆深处。8.在这红尘路上,我们相遇又如同笑忘川中的书页,从未相识,又何曾相逢?9.I prefer we never crossed each other's path, and I hope we remain strangers in this vast world of ours.I wish you could forget me as easily as a leaf falls from the tree and is swept away by the wind.

10.You've never given me a chance to turn back, yet I've always smiled at you with anticipation.

11.Leaving you is like the wind, rain, or night; your smile is all it takes for me to bid farewell and walk down a lonely road that stretches out in both directions.

12.You are my lifelong affliction,a disease that begins with heart palpitations and ends with dry bones scattered by the winds.

13.My tears of longing will fall like unending bloodstains on red beans; springtime will come again without end to paint our picture gallery together.

14.Your future holds other women who hold hands with their loved ones while I'll find another man to spend my old age with him.

I hope these rewritten lines meet your requirements!
