
  • 霸气说说
  • 2025年01月31日
  • 1.愿有岁月可回首,且以深情共白头。 2.我多想拥抱你,可惜时光之中山水相逢,人来人往。 3.最难开口的是最初的问候和最后的道别。 4.我见过最蓝的天,是初遇你的那天。 5.愿我能陪你颠沛流离,愿你能陪我久至老去。 6.大概不合适就是,你喜欢清风醉酒,我却独爱烈风自由。我宁可我们不曾相濡以沫,我但愿我们从来就相忘于江湖。你不过是我红尘陌路,我不过是你笑忘成书中的一个角色。你不曾给我一次回眸


1.愿有岁月可回首,且以深情共白头。 2.我多想拥抱你,可惜时光之中山水相逢,人来人往。 3.最难开口的是最初的问候和最后的道别。 4.我见过最蓝的天,是初遇你的那天。 5.愿我能陪你颠沛流离,愿你能陪我久至老去。 6.大概不合适就是,你喜欢清风醉酒,我却独爱烈风自由。我宁可我们不曾相濡以沫,我但愿我们从来就相忘于江湖。你不过是我红尘陌路,我不过是你笑忘成书中的一个角色。你不曾给我一次回眸,我却始终在对你微笑。这次我离开你,是风,是雨,是夜晚;你笑了笑,我摆一摆手,一条寂寞的路便展向两头。你会遇上其他女子和她举案齐眉,而我自会有别的男子与我白首相携。





这次我离开,你,是风,是雨,是夜晚;you smiled, I waved my hand, a lonely road stretched out in both directions.

you are my lifelong incurable disease; the disease begins with heart palpitations and ends with bone ash flying away.

Tears of longing cannot be drained, throwing red beans without stopping; spring willows and flowers cannot be opened, filling the painting studio.

You will meet other women who hold hands with her while I will have another man to accompany me until we grow old together.

My life is but a moment's glance from your eyes; your smile is all the wealth I need for eternity.

In this fleeting world where love is just an illusion, how can our hearts remain so steadfast?

The years go by like falling leaves, and yet our love remains as fresh as ever.

18.. Even if time erases us from each other's memories one day, let us cherish these moments we've shared now.

19.. Though it may seem impossible to bridge the distance between us two souls adrift on separate seas of existence

20.. Yet in that infinite expanse lies a secret bond that only we can feel

21... Let us seize every moment we have together

22... For even if fate has set its course against us

23... Our memories shall forever remain etched within our hearts
