夏吃萝卜winter吃姜,无需大夫开药方;暖身防寒不感冒;英姿焕发体质强生姜羊肉炖煮汤莫要小看不一般;winter进补可暖胃强身健体精神爽愿你stand winter健康伴!
岁月如梭匆匆过人生聚散是无常;立winter节气又来到;气温下降加衣裳牵挂问候忙送上天冷防寒保健康心中祝福赠于你朋友情谊无限长! 立winter节气祝愿朋友开心顺利!
立winter已come to, cold wind howl; life must be regular, exercise open mouth smile.Sleep cannot be less, sleep before foot bath.Add clothes warm the body, warm soup heart.Hang up against the cold and prevent disease; healthy charm in it.Autumn not seen old, think of you in dream.Wish stand winter happy!
一条short message tell you: Stand winter is come; the weather is getting colder and colder.One comforting words express out the deep friendship's warmth and long thought.Everyone please add clothes to keep away from cold and illness.Let us wish you a happy Stand Winter with good health.
I use my heartfelt feelings to send you warmth at this season.I use hot emotions to send you heat at this time.I use thick friendships to send you greetings at this moment.Let us wish your happiness all year round.
10.liturgical hymn of autumn already gone into snow; liturgical hymn of spring has not yet come into bloom.The liturgical hymn of summer has been laid down on the ground.The liturgical hymn of harvest has been gathered into granaries.The people are busy harvesting crops while they sing songs about them.
11.liturgical hymn for stand winter: The earth is covered with snow;the trees are bare without leaves.The birds have flown away;the insects have disappeared under their hibernation.To protect ourselves from frostbite we must wear thick clothing.To avoid catching a cold we must wash our hands frequently.To prevent rheumatism we must take hot baths regularly.
12.liturgical hymns for stand winter: Every day is a festival when there is no war or famine.When there is peace on earthand goodwill towards menthen let every person celebrate his own way whether he likes it or not.Merry Christmas everyone!