mama, 我想念你!尽管你不在身边,但我却日夜思念着那个总是在风雨中为我们加油、为我们微笑的人。
9.i miss you so much, mama! 每当我伸出手想要触摸您的脸庞,却发现那熟悉的温度已然消失。这让我感到无比悲伤。
10 家里没有妈,是最大的缺憾。但即使如此,我也要勇敢地活下去,为那些无法回来的美好时刻而努力追寻幸福。
11 Mama, I miss you so much! 你的容颜已经深深烙印在我的记忆之中,即便岁月流转,也难以抹去那些珍贵的瞬间。
12 Mama, I miss you more than words can say... 在这寒冷而漫长的冬夜,你是否也偶尔想到过那些曾经一起围坐在炉火旁听故事的时候?
13 mama, my forever hero! 你是我坚韧不拔的心灵支柱,没有了您的支持,我可能就不会有今天这样的自己。我会永远记住我们的故事,因为它们是成长路上的宝贵财富。
14 听闻噩耗,不禁泪如泉涌,悲痛交织。我默祷逝者安息,您走后留下的空白将永远是最难填补的地方,请接受我的沉痛哀悼吧!
15 mother of mine,you are the brightest star in the sky now.your love and care will always be with us.
16 天堂里,他们一定过得很好,我们必须保持坚强,不让他们看到我们的忧伤。因为他们需要我们的勇气,让世界继续前进,而不是被过去的情感所束缚。
17 青山绿水永存,这就是母爱!愿天堂里的母亲安康快乐!
18 mama,i wish you all the best in heaven ! no sickness or pain for you ever again ! just happiness and peace!
19 Mama, on this Mother's Day ,I want to tell you that i am thinking of you . Are you happy in heaven?
20 生老病死是自然规律,它们赋予了生命意义;然而,当亲人们离开时,我们仍需用自己的方式找到平衡,并继续生活下去,以此来纪念他们留下给我们的每一个瞬间...
23 today is Mother's Day , mom..it has been three years since your passing...i still remember those beautiful moments we shared together...
24 On this Mother's Day ,I wish all mothers in heaven a peaceful and joyful day !
25 missing my dear mother...wish she could have a wonderful time in heaven
27 Family will always watch over us from above.Parents may not be physically present but they are always with us.
28 Wishing all souls at peace up there,a place where they can rest their weary hearts after giving everything to this world.Bon voyage to them as well!
29 Living happily is the best tribute one can pay to those who have gone before us.Let me make myself happy for our parents' sake.
30 There is no banquet without guests.The grandfather may have left him but he left behind many things that would live on forever within his heart