

1.跟生活开个玩笑,别太过认真了,因为最终我们都要离开这场名为“生”的游戏。 2.别指望每个人都会理解你,因为每个人的喜好都是独一无二的。你追求的是萝卜,也许就无法成为青菜。 3.每一个让你感到难堪的现在,都有一个不够努力的过去。人生就是这样,没有磨练和锻炼,就不会有成长。 4.没有备胎的人才是真正优秀的人,他们只会全心全意地爱一个人而已。 5.得不到回应的热情,要学会适可而止,不亏待任何一份热情也不讨好任何冷漠的心态。 6.即使整个世界都不认可你,你也要相信自己。你活在他人的眼中,却迷失在自己的心路上。你永远无法满足所有人,所以不要为了取悦这个世界而扭曲自我吧。 7.尊严需要实力来维护,否则,那只是死守面子活受罪罢了。 8.我有两个面孔,一冷漠,一热情,无论你怎样对我,我就会怎样回应你。我既不容易相处,也可能很可爱,只看你是否值得认识我罢了。不过,如果真的能认识到我的魅力,那将是一场美妙的旅程呢!


10.new year new me?别说它,免得被新的一年打脸哦。

11.my life is not a bed of roses, but with you by my side, even the thorns are beautiful.

12.don't be too good to people; they'll only take advantage of your kindness anyway! You should be kind, but remember to keep some sharp edges!

13.you want everything without putting in any effort? What about those who work hard and struggle?

14.find something to do, keep yourself busy, and you'll realize how hard life is and how much you've been taking things for granted.

15.eat well when it's time to eat, drink well when it's time to drink; don't overthink things that don't matter; talk less than half the truth around others so as not to bore them or annoy them.

16.stop complaining all the time because soon enough you'll see that complaining doesn't change anything except annoying yourself and others.

17.one day I will make those who love me proud, those who abandon me regretful, those who dislike me unhappy, and those who laugh at me speechless.

18.lower your expectations and reduce your dependence on others - you'll find happiness this way.

19.if I let someone feel helpless or abandoned by my actions or words - I can tolerate them for a while too before moving on to someone else better suited for my company.

20.toasting past experiences? No thanks! Let's toast our brave selves instead - the ones who have faced all disappointments and betrayals yet remain full of hope and courage!

21.live your own life according to your own rules; suffer through hardships alone if need be - why bother looking at what others think?

22.you won't lose anything if you're not afraid of pain or death or shame; there's nothing out there that can stop you from achieving what you set out for.

23.a strong inner core often falls apart under simple words of comfort; an impenetrable facade crumbles before someone truly understands us.

24.though i may have nothing now,you know what? That just means i'm getting started...and one day i will rise above this pitiful state!

25.may we always have wine & meat & girls (ugly ones included) in our lives

26.first secure a living then pursue love: career is like a hearty meal while love is like dessert.so take it slow,take it easy,dont rush,itll all work out

27.rather than being overly cautious in loving someone else,rather be honest with yourself

28.fear nothing,care only about fulfilling your dreams,because once achieved,your past struggles become worthwhile

29.nothing beats talent,no amount of perfume can match natural charm
