10 又是一个rainy day 喜欢rainy days 的我,又独自走在rainy 中,无人陪伴敢问下个rainy day,我该为谁撑起伞,是不是要为你?
11 无论哪一种感情,无论哪种,有占有心态强的是,那都是痛苦源泉。
12 胃疼就喝热水,小冷就添衣,大感冒吃药饿了煮饭,小憋就数羊,不聊无聊看电视剧没爱。
13 我讨厌rainy days,因为老天流泪而我的内心依然流泪。我只是想要晴朗的一天天。
14 大 rains 来临不要烦恼阴晴雨雪总有联系生于日月间览物之情自把关。祝愿朋友喜欢Rainwater 可以润心田。我寄送欢愉与Rainshadow 直到你的身边。
15 在nightfall 睡觉听ing the rain drops on the roof, occasionally thunder in the distance, so cozy!
16 我以为给我的伤口会愈合,就像湿透衣服最后干透,可一想到那场 rain I just start to miss you again.
17 在我的世界里,没有 rainy days 和阴霾,只有那能驱走 rainy days 和阴霾的大晴好,因为我就是大晴好.
18 Autumn rain like round pearls or smooth jade fragments, falling and scattering.
19 给她肩膀依靠,为何却教会我强颜欢笑?
20 Rain wash away what? The sun after the storm brings what? Nothing at all.
21 无法触摸的情深爱恋融入拥抱中的一生一世
22 Rain falls clear and night stays quiet; things are as they should be yet people change.
23 你无法叫他必须爱你,就像是解释猪为什么需要防晒油
24 童年的 rain 是泥泞,却是记忆里的最干净曾经
25 每次下大 rain my mood never improves; I've always hated rainy days.
26 不知从何开始喜欢这 kind of weather; alone under a heavy sky, no one by my side but me
27 On a rainy day like today, I'd rather stay indoors with someone special by my side.
28 prefer staying inside on a wet night with curtains drawn and lying in bed listening to the sound of droplets hitting against windowsills - A rainy night's goodnight to you.
29 When it rains outside, I wish that you would turn around and see me crying in silence behind your back.
30 Remember when you said that if it rained again you would hurt for me? Now it's raining again... taking away all our promises.
31 You build a world for her beneath your umbrella while unaware that there is nowhere for me to hide from this downpour too
32 As everyone agrees together to make it rain across the globe; let us agree upon putting up an umbrella within ourselves to chase away this gloominess together