1.既然无法回到过去的日子里,我只好开始思考未来的路。2.不要让一阵风就使你流泪,一杯酒就让你醉倒。3.爱一个人到无可救药,但不能爱到失去自我。4.你一定还想和他和解,对吧?毕竟,你说自己心软是一种病态。5.当我第一次爱上你时,那是因为我不懂爱;但当我懂得了爱,卻发现自己已经离开了。你6.记得那次你生气地关上门,我后悔了。我渴望阻止你离开,却只能默默地看着你的背影。那7.每当我们勇敢地投入感情,最终吐出的却是叹息。这8.从此以后,我会避开那条曾经的街区,只希望在另一条路上能再遇见你。我9.把所有热情都给予了他,现在剩下的又是什么呢?10.Love often turns a grown-up into a child again; each breakup, however, forces us to learn how to be an adult.
11.We all move forward, without looking back; as if we had never loved at all.
12.There's no use in thinking about what could have been; no matter how many times life starts anew, there will always be regrets.
13.Every time I look up at the sky, I'm reminded not to speak my mind; and every time I open my mouth to speak, the sky seems too vast for me to gaze upon it fearlessly.
14.I can drink down the fiery liquor and endure the long autumn without you.
15.The thought of waving goodbye is unbearable because it means parting ways; but not daring to reach out for your hand is even more agonizing because it leaves me uncertain about when we might meet again.
16.How can one possibly be content with just being friends with someone they love?
17.The feeling between two people is sustained solely by one person's efforts alone - until they reach a point where they're torn between giving up or making a decision.
18.I never believed that I would fall so deeply in love with someone like this before.
19.In matters of the heart, neither of us are good actors - unable to conceal our passion or feign affection convincingly enough for each other.
20.No matter how many people try to distract me from you through conversation - nothing compares to your single word spoken towards me.
21.I've grown accustomed now that life holds no surprises anymore.
22.Love cannot turn back once started on its journey through unknown lands.
23.My steps were too slow in retreating from you earlier; my concerns were too excessive later on against you; and my love was insufficiently profound towards you - all apologies offered here today...
24.You left after that day, leaving only winter and summer behind in our hometown where spring and autumn have lost their meaning since then.
25.I yearn for such moments: closing my eyes under the sun's warmth only later opening them again expecting you'd remain steadfastly watching over me throughout time...
26.To smile away one’s sentimentality as if none of these feelings ever truly mattered
27.Meanwhile knowing deep within myself there wasn’t any hope left—only an unwillingness let go
28..I wish I could close my eyes under warm sunlight embrace happiness then open them finding comfort knowing You're still watching over me waiting patiently...
29.Such was our way—a faded memory of love—and we chose different paths—the new loves versus growing older together
30.Far beyond roses lies anxiety & punishment intertwined within this thing called Love