
  • 霸气说说
  • 2025年01月30日
  • 1.既然无法回到过去,我更应思考我的未来。2.别让一阵风就让我泪流满面,一杯酒就让我醉倒不醒。3.可以为了一个人爱到要死,但绝不能爱到失去脸面。4.你一定还想和他和好吧,因为你承认自己心软是病态的行为。5.当我开始爱上你时,我还是不知道什么是爱;但当我懂得了爱,你却离开了我。6.后悔的是你的背影,当我卑微地请求不要离开时,你是否能听从呢?7.在恋人面前,我曾经吸入那么多勇气,最后只能吐出叹息而已



11.we all move forward, don't look back; it's as if we never loved at all.

12.there's nothing to regret about the past, no matter how many times I relive them, there will always be some regrets in life.

13.each time I look up at the sky, i dislike talking; each time i talk, i dare not look up at the sky again.

14.i can drink strong alcohol and endure a cold autumn without you.

15.i can't bear to wave goodbye because it's a farewell; i'm afraid to think of shaking hands because it's unknown when that moment will come.

16.it doesn't make sense for me to just like someone and settle for being friends with them.

17.the feeling between two people is sustained by only one person who is determined but indecisive about whether or not to give up on love.

18.i've never believed that i would fall so deeply in love with someone like this before.

19.in terms of emotions, we are both poor actors - unable to hide our passion from you nor pretend to feel something we don't.

20.no matter how many people try talking me out of my feelings for you - even if they outnumber those words - none compare or replace your single word with me.

21.i am used now to living a life where there are no more surprises waiting ahead.

22.love is an irreversible journey through time.

23.after you left, my hometown was left with only winter and summer seasons - devoid of spring or autumn.

24.my heart longs for nothing more than closing my eyes and basking in the warmth of sunlight before opening them again only find yourself watching over me silently.

25.smiling away as though it matters little since maybe we haven't truly ever been in love after all.

26.realizing too late that what made us different wasn’t our choices but rather our inability to choose otherwise

27.hopelessly chasing shadows until reality hits home: hope has already faded away from sight.

28.my longing remains unfulfilled: wanting closure but finding none while yearning instead for your presence by my side once more

29.then let us quietly fade into memories – I'll cherish new beginnings while embracing change

30.to think love isn’t limited solely
