
  • 霸气说说
  • 2025年01月21日
  • 1.春夏交接的时节,新生的夏天悄然来临。 2.时间飞逝,转眼间又是一年夏日。 3.愿今年西瓜甜美,不带一丝葱姜蒜的苦涩。愿你的梦想和期待,在这个夏天都能实现。 4.窗外蝉鸣声如倒数钟声,考卷分数是向上攀登的藤蔓。我们要像那蝉鸣一样勇敢前行。 5."带着四月未完成的事,让五月开始奔跑,即使道路艰难,也会收获遍野的繁花似锦。"每一天都是新的开始,每一个月都是新生活的篇章。 6










9.May's Gift: A gentle weather and a gradually improving self.

10.May is the birth of summer, our love story has just begun, we have yet to complete it.

11.In this May, I am delighted! Let's cherish every moment together.

12.To you in this May, please take good care of yourself and everything will go smoothly and as you wish!

13.You are the gift that May brings to humanity, a shining star amidst ordinary life.

14.The arrival of May brings us encounters with beauty; may your day be filled with joy and happiness!

15.Good morning! The first bite of snow cone in the morning dew gives me thoughts of you.

In this month where hope prevails,

I promise myself to move forward one step at a time;

May you treat me kindly too.

For it is hard to be human,

Even harder to be a good person;

A great person? That's even more challenging.

Farewell April, hello May!

God may not play fair but mortals reserve the right to remain biased;

The gifts from May include gentle weather and an improvement in oneself;

Lanterns by riverside - A scene from our world in this month;

Good fortune arrives in abundance for those born under the sign of May;

May collects happiness, popularity spreads joy; peace follows blissful events everywhere;

Mountains high water long - Wishing all well-being comes with good luck,

May I Love You (in Chinese)

It is time for "Mayday" music

I have seen my most beautiful summer through your eyes when you found me among crowds on that day.

Summer sunflowers will come soon enough; I yearn not for seasons but happiness itself
