
  • 闺蜜说说
  • 2025年01月04日
  • 1.秋风轻拂,落叶如蝶舞,红黄交辉映日暖。 2.八月凉意渐浓,立秋之际心情舒缓,不仅如此清晨露珠光芒闪烁无尽。 3.经历春秋冬夏,我们更应感慨人生何其短暂,一往情深却难久留。 4.自古多情伤离别,更在清秋时节凄美显得尤为悲凉。 5.最初的相遇总是那么迷人,但最终却常陷入绝望的深渊。 6.路途中孤单或许是一种诅咒,但平凡的生活在清秋时节亦显得冷落寂寞。 7.我偏爱这季节!它绚烂多彩,是收获成果










9.autumn though it may bring heat and weight gain, I prefer it to the other seasons.

10.autumn's red hues have faded, winter's snow now drowns my longing.

11.you say you dread summer's heat, winter's chill, springtime rains or autumn itself.

12.red as fire maple leaves whisper of autumn's melancholy beauty.

13.walking to the very edge, there is no sorrow of autumn wind.

14.past memories grow cold like fallen flowers; cherishing clear autumn memories is a bittersweet affair.

15.one deep affection flows through me; in deep mountains at dusk under autumn rain.

16.as the crisp autumn breeze caresses trees and grasses with gentle warmth, it is as if a mother were humming a lullaby to her children before gently guiding them into sweet dreams.

17.suffering endures for so long like a snail moving patiently; happiness flees all too quickly like a rabbit tail across an endless expanse of fall fields.

18.with the arrival of autumn my heart fills with sadness that cannot be shaken away; dust-covered memories are vividly reopened once more.

19.life feels refreshing like high winds in late September when they blow away all worries and troubles from your mind!

20.the sky above seems incredibly vast during this season - just as Pangu still holds up heaven and earth! The sky shines bright blue - as if someone has painted blue onto its canvas!

21.autumn has truly arrived but my thoughts remain entangled in summer's sweltering heat yet unable to fully leave behind the nostalgia for those lush green summers past amidst vibrant reds and greens; already settled within our midst now stands this new season called Autumn.

22.summer isn't good at all - times are hard even without west winds to drink! Thank goodness we've reached Autumn now!

23.now that Autumn has come beautiful flowers abound: red ones yellow ones purple ones white ones oh so pretty!

24.it was all because of the gentle fall breeze or perhaps the quietness of those dark nights that caused trouble after trouble!

25.spring brings us countless blossoms while Autumn brings us moonlight Summer gives us cool breezes Winter gifts us snowflakes

26.Now that Autumn is here fruit ripens on trees apples shine golden grapes glimmer brightly on vines

27.don't lend your jacket let alone your arms or shoulders to anyone else

28.each rustling leaf speaks out loud one voice one cry for Fall each droplet from banana leaves carries one point one sorrowful thought three o'clock returns home three o'clock later

29.these fine drizzles remind me of Heaven crying waiting patiently waiting for miracles

30.how do we know which year will bring forth despair & confusion growing wildly? Time stands still till forever
