
  • 闺蜜说说
  • 2025年01月03日
  • 我独自一人,在夜的深处,寻觅那份曾经的温暖。我孤单的身影,在墙上缓缓划过,那是我的伤感,也是我心情最真实的诉说。在这个四月,风轻轻地吹拂着,我却无法摆脱这份孤独。对偶的手法,让我的情感更加深沉。 1.你带走了快乐,我失去了知觉,只因你曾给过我温柔。 2.君怜梦洄情已断,在水一方遥相望。吾思泪尽意难绝,心似黄连华灯眠。 3.黑夜无情恨无心,情侣不知爱无情。 4.不愿意醒来时












10.black night makes loneliness profound, loneliness in black night is elevated, blooming into the beauty of black without stars in the night, I am still myself.

11.those things once thought to be unforgettable are forgotten by us in the process of cherishing them.

12.pain has opened my heart, dreams have fallen short, emotions have reached their limits.

13.my wandering thoughts accompanied by the long and eerie night bring forth a strange sense of fearlessness.

14.gazing out at all that's lit up by lamplight; gazing up at the sky with only scattered points of light shining through; I can't help but laugh bitterly – how could such feeble light resist being consumed by the darkness?

15.youth is limited; when we're proud to be so, let's be proud indeed! But when you die-hardly love someone one day, you may find yourself unable to do so.

16.time has taught us nothing but not to easily believe a myth; it's precisely this untrustworthiness that makes myths most deserving of admiration!

17.I like winter because daylight is short while nighttime stretches on – there's more time for escaping then.

18.don't think that feeling bitter is just about jealousy? No way! The most sour feeling comes from not having any right or chance to feel jealous – it doesn't even come your turn!

19.be clear-headed: there are no unfinished matters in this world; only hearts yet alive.

20.wounds are like me - stubborn children who refuse healing because they hold warmth and moisture within - perfect for anything growing.

21.blackness envelops our city without mercy or pity as it spreads across my world.

22.the darkness gives me eyes shrouded in mystery but I use them to seek out illumination instead.

23.alone and lonely solitude knows only black nights can understand it fully.

24.at heaven's edge and earth's corner where friendships fade away let us drink wine till we've spent all our joy tonight don’t let your dreams run cold tonight...I miss you!

25.since moonlight cannot dispel my inner solitude from afar then let its soft breeze take over! Through faint light waves carry my gaze towards distant moonlight until she illuminates every shadowy corner within me – how much I adore her serenity and radiance!

26.however I dare not allow her radiance illuminate upon my solitary silhouette...
