
  • 男生说说
  • 2025年02月26日
  • 1.我心中有病,忘不了你,无法自拔于自己。 2.我从不吝啬我的良夜,但能听到我说早晨的不是平凡之人。 3.别寻找我,我怕我忍不住又渴望拥有你。 4.不要再这样度过,一日一日的熬煎,想东想西,不禁显得矫揉造作,真的该关上手机,断绝了一些无谓的联系,将所有负面情绪抛开,一心一意地生活,再去做一些正当的事情。 5.生命中遇见的人都应被珍视,每一次淋雨的岁月不会重现在未来的年华里。 6


1.我心中有病,忘不了你,无法自拔于自己。 2.我从不吝啬我的良夜,但能听到我说早晨的不是平凡之人。 3.别寻找我,我怕我忍不住又渴望拥有你。 4.不要再这样度过,一日一日的熬煎,想东想西,不禁显得矫揉造作,真的该关上手机,断绝了一些无谓的联系,将所有负面情绪抛开,一心一意地生活,再去做一些正当的事情。 5.生命中遇见的人都应被珍视,每一次淋雨的岁月不会重现在未来的年华里。 6.爱了好久的人突然间就不再爱,你听了好久的声音却突然变得沉默,无数养成的心理习惯也随着时间悄然改变,最终是时间比爱更加强大和残酷。 7.一次次伤害了自己最亲近的人,只等到失去了才深刻理解珍惜,是不是只有躲入天涯海角,是不是只有不爱上任何一人,是不是只有每天在懊悔中度过才能安然无事一生? 8.能放手就放手,当朋友更美好过纠缠难解。 9.多希望我们能够成为朋友,还能共同笑谈将来的一切。10有些失望是不可避免的,但大部分失望,都因为你高估了自己的能力和重要性。

11.my life is full of moments when I've been drunk, and countless tears have welled up in my eyes, all because of you; I thought I had liked many people, but it turned out that I had only liked your shadow many times over; later, I realized that the feeling of yearning for you was heartache.

12.in those days, i stayed in one city without seeing you, while you flew over several cities as if nothing happened; it's just like the years i loved you so much – you've already loved someone else.

13.i still like you, but you love someone else now.

14.i know i still like you, but the person i used to like has changed; our time together has become unhappy and we no longer understand each other's words.

15.i thought staying behind was not a mistake and that my sadness would be understood by you.

16.time will collect enough disappointments for me and tell me not to thank anyone for them.

17.self-deception is sufficient to make yourself believe that your feelings towards him can suddenly disappear too; however, in the long night ahead of us,i only want to hold onto him; thinking about how far away he will be soon makes me reluctant to let go of him even more.

18.once relying on each other's shoulders as we wandered through life alone again after losing each other from afar.

19.there are so many numbers stored in my phonebook yet none compare to yours where my finger hesitates before moving on.

20.unless one has cried through endless nights they cannot speak eloquently about life.

21.when i grow up,i won't say such foolish things anymore.

22.my last affection is letting go of your hand.

23.it's often small matters that cause deep pain,such as when there was a heavy rain outside with others waiting under an umbrella while i waited for the rain to stop instead.

24.you rarely appear in my dreams anymore since then,

25.leaving someone who holds great importance using up all strength available

26.leaving without any regret

27.what good does it do? The more compassionate one seems ,the more they get taken advantage off by others .

28.i can let go lightly with a smile .29.we both tried once or twice hoping for better days ahead ;but they never came
