

1.我心中藏着疾病,无法忘记你,忍不住自我反思。 2.我的晚安总是慷慨地送出,但只有特定的人能听到我说早安的温柔。 3.别寻找我,我害怕自己再次被情绪控制,渴望拥抱你。 4.别让时间继续流逝,一天一天的寂寞,让人难以承受,不如关掉手机,切断那些无谓的联系,把所有负面情绪抛在脑后,全身心投入真实生活,用实际行动去做一些正当的事情。 5.每个人遇见都值得珍惜,因为每一次淋雨的经历,都不会重复发生在相同年龄时刻。 6.爱了很久的人,你突然不再爱了;听了好久的歌,你忽然失去了兴趣;养成多年的习惯,也随之改变,只有时间比爱更加强大和残酷。 7.不断伤害心爱之人的自己,直到失去才懂得珍惜,是不是只能逃至遥远的地方?是否只有不恋爱任何人?是否只有日夜悔恨才能平静度过一生? 8.愿意散开就散开,当朋友更好,不要纠缠太深。 9.希望我们能够成为朋友,以后还能笑谈这段经历吧!10.some disappointments are inevitable, but most of them are because you overestimated yourself.

11.my countless drunken moments and tears that surge to my heart are all for you; I thought I liked many people, but it turns out I was just liking your shadow many times over, and only later did I realize that the feeling of missing you is actually a kind of pain.

12.in those days, i stayed in one city while seeing you less often than usual; just like the years i loved you so much, you've already loved someone else by then.

13.i still like you even though others do too now.

14.i know i still like you but what we had isn't what i love anymore; our time together has become unhappy and unfulfilling as we don't understand each other's words or emotions anymore.

15.i thought staying would be fine,i thought my sadness would make sense toyou

16.time will collect enough disappointments for me and tell me not to thank anyone for it

17.self-deception can suddenly disappear when it comes toyou - in the long night ahead alli want isto hold ontoyou -and at the moment when idon't see yout again either...

18.we once leaned on each other's shouldersbut nowwe wander alone in this seaofpeople

19.thereare so many numbers savedinmy phonebutwheni stopatyournameitstopswithyoutoo

20.one who hasn't cried throughthe nightcan hardly talk about life

21.wheni grow upi won't say such stupidthingsagain

22.my last loving gesture is letting goof yourhand

23.itis often small things that truly cause pain,such asthat day with heavyrain - everyone waitsfor an umbrellawhile ai waitfor therainstop

24.you rarely appearin my dreamsnowadays

25.left without any fight;i usedupallmy strengthprotecting someone who left anyway .

26.leavingyoutook allmy energy ..27.sayingthatkindnessiswhatmakespeople lovableis true,but ultimately kindness gets taken advantage of by peoplewho take more than they give .

28.i can letgo lightlyand forgive witha smile..29.wesboth triedtobelieve wewouldbe oklateron,buteventuallywewillnottreturn..
