1.我心中有病,忘不了你,无法自拔。2.我从不吝啬我的思念,但能听到我说你的名字的,不是每个人。3.别寻找我,我怕我忍不住又想和你重逢。4.不要再纠结过去,一天一天的回忆,想往事想往事,实在是愁苦,真的该关闭社交媒体,断了那些无谓的联系,把所有负面情绪抛开,让生活重新开始,再去做一些真实正面的事情。5.生命中遇到的每个人都值得珍惜,只要十七岁的雨滴没有在二十七岁落下。6.爱了很久的人,你突然就不再在意了听了好久的声音,你突然就不愿倾听了养成了多年的习惯,你突然就改变了终究时间还是比爱情更为强大和坚韧。7.一次次伤害到心爱的人,最终才明白珍视他们的是什么意思,是不是只有远离这个世界,是不是只有不再爱上任何人,是不是只有每天沉浸在悔恨之中才能平静地度过一生?8.能够分手就分手,当朋友会更好过于纠缠在一起。9.多希望我们能成为朋友,还能开怀畅谈未来的事情吧10.some disappointments are inevitable, but most of them are because you overestimated yourself.
11.my life is filled with countless moments of drunkenness, countless tears that surge up from the depths of my heart, all for you; I thought I had liked many people in my life, but it turns out I've been liking your shadow again and again; only later did i realize that the feeling of missing you is a kind of pain.
12.in those days, i stayed in one city while you flew over several others; just like the years i loved you so much, you have already loved other people too.
13.i still like you even though you love someone else now.
14.i know i still like you but by then,you're not the same person anymore; our time together has started to make us unhappy and we no longer enjoy each other's words or actions.
15.i thought staying behind was right,i thought my sadness would be understood byyou
16.time will help accumulate your disappointments and tell me not to thank anyone for it
17.self-deception won't last long against reality - suddenly there's no feeling foryou either ;in endless nights alone with only thoughts of holding ontoyou ,i dread parting fromyou as much as anything does
18.once we relied on each other's shoulders now we wander through crowds alone
19.there are so many numbers stored in my contacts yet when idare glance atyour name-i stop . 20.one who has never cried through a sleepless night cannot speak about life
21.wheni grow up ill never say such silly things again
22.my final act of love is letting goof your hand .
23.it's often small things that truly cause distress ,like when it rains heavily and others wait under an umbrella whilei wait forrain to pass . 24.you rarely appear inmy dreams after all these years
25.leavingyou took every ounceoff strength ill possessed .26.i used up allmy strength saying goodbye toyou
27.saying what makes someone good-hearted lovable isn't true -in reality kindness gets taken advantage offand exploited till death do us part
28.i can let go effortlessly smile at forgiveness .29.we both tried imagining a future once butit will never come true