
  • 个性签名
  • 2024年12月05日
  • 1.兄弟,我清晰地看到一切,但我不说出来,因为我知道,如果我像你对待我的方式那样对待你,你早就走了。 2.一个男人只有经历了爱恨交织、委屈与生死的磨难,才能够真正成熟起来。 3.痛苦的经历越多,男人就会变得更加宽容、坚强、机智和勇敢。 4.别看不起我,也许别人也不会看得起你。 5.不是猛龙过江,就是对手别开枪。 6.跟哥装腔就是要弄死你。 7.混是生活的一部分,但必须靠自己努力。 8.,小弟











10.Gasoline is the first ace of a man, whether there are many or few people, his character never fails.

11.Look at me and ask yourself when I last looked at you straight in the eye.

12.Education is bronze, ability is silver, and connections are gold; but an unwavering heart that never gives up is forever a trump card.

13.Tolerate today's pain for tomorrow's glory.

14.Fate determines the cards, but we deal them ourselves.

15.Kid, don't envy gangsters – do you know what they are? Wearing suits and ties, driving Mercedes-Benzes, living in mansions... This is called being a gangster; just wearing nothing but your underwear with tattoos all over your body and earrings in your ears dyed red hair... That's just one group of people who think they're something special.

16.The poor have black hands while the rich have black hearts; those who have experienced hardships tend to be low-key while those who act tough talk big about it.

17.What is love? Love is actually very simple: 500 gazes from past lives exchanged for painless childbirth this time around.

18.My life has been like dandelion seeds – wind determines my direction.

19.Dogs that won't look back should be let go free to run their own way without any regrets or hesitation so as not to miss out on anything important during their lifetime.

20.Take advantage of youth before it slips away because no matter how hard you fall down later on if you can make it stylish then so much better.

21.All men are liars yet how many men were once deceived by women.

22.Women often admire Wolf Totem for loving Red Riding Hood passionately yet forget that Wolf Totem never caught any sheep while Wolf Totem remained loyal to her.

23.Let things be natural – flowers will naturally smell sweet.

24.Be ambitious when young otherwise nobody will call you dad when old.

25.Brother why must reality give you such a slap in the face before you realize this fake world?

26.In this world cherish three types of people - friends who bring coal snows cold days woman standing by through poverty brothers enduring everything about yo
