3、情绪需要严格管理,一味纵容自己悲伤,便会越来越消沉。让一切归零....... 我要努力工作!不是因为我爱钱,而是这辈子,我不想因为钱而与谁在一起,也不想因为钱而离开谁!女人要尊严,就必须自立!
10.,或许别人才给予安慰与劝告,但是无论多少次委屈与痛苦,最终能治愈自己的还是自己。记住,woman should not rely on men, for if you do, this lifetime, you'll never be able to hold your head up high. I want to be a good girl who is self-sufficient and strong.
11., women must learn to stand alone; with wealth comes the ability to acquire what one desires without compromising principles or losing sight of one's original intentions.
12., women should strive for independence in all aspects: economic, intellectual, emotional and spiritual. They must have the power of self-determination and autonomy. Why do we need men at all?
13., my mother taught me that life is difficult; my father taught me about dignity; my brother told me about loyalty towards friends; my boyfriend told me that women should be independent and loving themselves. -- A woman's strength lies in her ability to stand alone.
14., days are lived for oneself alone; a woman must love herself more than anyone else can love her or she will forever cry out in pain while others laugh at her feeble existence - as if she were nothing more than an ornament on display by someone else's side.
15.. The only thing worth living for is the satisfaction of being able to provide for oneself - there is no greater joy than knowing that everything you've worked hard for belongs solely to you.
16.. Women should remain independent from men and society as a whole. It doesn't make sense why two people who love each other would need separate lives instead of working together harmoniously toward common goals...