
  • 毕业说说
  • 2025年02月10日
  • 1.有些人,注定是你生命中的毒药,而有些人不过是个风而已。 2.从不奢求生活能给予我最好的,只是执着于寻求最适合我的心灵的港湾! 3.喝醉,从来就不是酒精的罪过,而是情感的温度太高,让我无法自持。 4.青春是不停地告别,也是不停地重逢,仿佛每一次都是新的开始。 5.人生路上过客很多,每个人都有各自的终点,他人向东向西向南向北,而我,却只想永远向你靠近。 6.真想有一天喝醉


1.有些人,注定是你生命中的毒药,而有些人不过是个风而已。 2.从不奢求生活能给予我最好的,只是执着于寻求最适合我的心灵的港湾! 3.喝醉,从来就不是酒精的罪过,而是情感的温度太高,让我无法自持。 4.青春是不停地告别,也是不停地重逢,仿佛每一次都是新的开始。 5.人生路上过客很多,每个人都有各自的终点,他人向东向西向南向北,而我,却只想永远向你靠近。 6.真想有一天喝醉,那样我就可以肆无忌惮地对你说那些我一直以来都不敢出口的话语。 7.找一个可以喝醉的理由,我的心留下的全是伤痕累累的回忆和遗憾。 8.你用一分钟说完的分手宣言,我却要用一辈子去忘记那份痛苦与哀愁。 9.分手吧,是因为我们都觉得,这样做才能让彼此找到真正属于自己的幸福之路。你让我感到疲惫,所以我放手了。我希望这次能够帮到你,让你的世界变得更轻松一些。不再纠缠于过去,我们共同迈入未来的门槛,一步一步走进新天地吧。


11.I believed you were my destination, but it turns out you were just a turning point in my journey.

12.i want to get drunk so badly because i want to know who's name i would call out when i'm under the influence.

13.i am not afraid of being drunk, what scares me is being alone after getting drunk with no one to take care of me.

14.to love someone means keeping them in your heart and mind all the time, giving way for them even in ordinary days.

15.i hope i can wake up as a carefree person, forgetting the old worries and embracing new happiness.

16.it has become a habit for me to feel sorrow without expressing it; I don't want to be hurt again, so I've learned to pretend.

17.a lifetime promise cannot be spoken lightly; you are not ready for my future.

18.i thought there would always be an original version of us waiting at our first meeting place - an original me and an original you.

19.maybe you're used to my sadness now, so you don't bother or pay attention anymore.

20.not every feeling is worth fighting for; losing is regrettable time wasted on something that will never come back even if we meet again.

21.meeting you was a long search; later on, it's full of bitter memories and regrets left behind.

22.i don't want to say goodbye because my heart tells me that besides you, no one else deserves my love anymore.

23.the longer we wait without saying anything meaningful or showing affectionate gestures towards each other - eventually we both suffer from this silence

24.in this world not everyone can open their hearts completely and share their deepest feelings with each other - passing by strangers are scenery while brushing shoulders with others are mere acquaintances!

25.you entered my world but left halfway through; then unable bear parting from someone like me who still cares deeply about your departure...both pained yet helpless!

26.so many people drink themselves into oblivion ,so many people tire themselves out ,so many so many people have nowhere else turn

27.really wish i could get thoroughly intoxicated once more than forget everything let lost souls find their way home then firmly decide become independent strong elegant self-assured women

28.really wish crazy drunkenness once relieve exhaustion heartache
